Government - Traffic & Patrol - Houston County

Houston County

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Traffic & Patrol

The objective of the Traffic Enforcement Unit is to reduce traffic related injuries and crashes through educational and enforcement efforts. This goal is accomplished through educational programs presented to high school students and community organizations, concentrated enforcement efforts in areas where statistics indicate a high frequency of crashes, and public awareness programs.

Each patrol vehicle assigned in the Traffic Enforcement Unit is equipped with state of the art speed detection devices, including LIDAR, mobile data terminals and video cameras. The video equipment is installed for officer safety purposes and evidence documentation. The Traffic Enforcement Unit also utilizes a SOKKIA Total Station, an accident reconstruction/crime scene investigation package for the investigation of automobile crashes resulting in serious injury of fatality.

All officers assigned to Traffic Enforcement Unit are required to participate in educational and community awareness programs throughout the year. These programs consist of presentations to high school driver education classes throughout Houston County; attending safety fairs scheduled by civic organizations; coordinated efforts with the local chapters of MADD, SADD, and Safe Kids of Georgia; and annual special presentations to the student bodies of each high school.

The Traffic Enforcement Unit concentrates its normal enforcement efforts in areas where statistics indicate a high frequency of automobile crashes and other areas receiving traffic related complaints. If there is an area in the unincorporated area of Houston County where drivers are particularly ignoring traffic law residents are encouraged to call and report these actions an effort will be made to increase our visibility in these areas. During holiday seasons, however, all officers assigned to the unit are required to participate in specialized patrols. These patrols, commonly referred to as task forces, operate under adjusted hours and target D.U.I., speed, and seat belt offenses. These task forces often set up stationary road checks throughout the county.